Category: Vocalists
1.82K Views0 Comments0 Likes
This is a song on my mix tape called "A Deafening Whisper." Confused is a Gospel/hiphop/dubstep hybrid that I created to show God that I am attempting to do His Will and I keep falling short due to imperfections. Enjoy!
via di qui
3.23K Views0 Comments0 Likes
autore/cantautore 2002 Accademia di S.Remo .2002 Secondo classificato al Premio Ivan Graziani(Alghero) 2003 Pubblicazione dell'album SINTETICO 2003 Primo classificato al Rock Theatre Piero Pelu' 2005/6 Lugli...
strana dimora
2.31K Views0 Comments0 Likes
autore/cantautore 2002 Accademia di S.Remo .2002 Secondo classificato al Premio Ivan Graziani(Alghero) 2003 Pubblicazione dell'album SINTETICO 2003 Primo classificato al Rock Theatre Piero Pelu' 2005/6 Lugli...
é primavera
3.95K Views0 Comments0 Likes
autore/cantautore 2002 Accademia di S.Remo .2002 Secondo classificato al Premio Ivan Graziani(Alghero) 2003 Pubblicazione dell'album SINTETICO 2003 Primo classificato al Rock Theatre Piero Pelu' 2005/6 Lugli...
Unspoken- Original Song by Sabrina
3.72K Views0 Comments4 Likes
I write songs that sometimes resemble what I feel.
2.11K Views0 Comments2 Likes
Proof of the best hip hop artist in Dallas, Tx, PERIOD!!!!
Let Her Go Cover .. Raw Version
1.53K Views0 Comments1 Likes
This is my version of Passengers let her go recorded in my room one night when just messing around with different techniques and trying new things out. Hope you enjoy it :0)
Fat Bottom Girls Cover
1.94K Views0 Comments1 Likes
This was my cover of Fat Bottom Girls with my old band whic was my ode to my idol Freddie :0) hope you enjoy
LightBulbHead – KAAFPA prod. by Lord Finesse
1.93K Views0 Comments1 Likes
An introduction to LBH. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the clips in the video. Strictly promotional.